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Raymond queneau author ne au havre le 21 fevrier 1903, raymond queneau est romancier, poete, dramaturge et mathematicien. Pierrot mon ami poche raymond queneau achat livre ou. Pierrot mon ami, considered by many to be one of raymond queneau s finest achievements, is a quirky comingofage novel concerning a young mans initiation into a world filled with deceit, fraud, and manipulation. But if there was a sage in queneau he never imparted his wisdom more touchingly than in pierrot mon ami. Pierrot mon ami, considered by many to be one of raymond queneau s finest achievements, is a quirky comingofage novel concerning a young mans initiation into a. Suivez raymond queneau et explorez sa bibliographie sur sa page dauteur raymond queneau sur. This unlikely guru exerted a major influence on a new avantgarde notably on georges perec, who was devoted to him.

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